It’s Not All Mary Poppins

I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay…

Here we have a small boy.


A small boy in his FIRE CHIEF shirt, who loves to do all manner of small boy things: running, jumping, climbing, shrieking, hugging soft toys, baking cookies (and eating the batter!!), picking his nose (and eating the… oh, never mind), building towers to knock them down — the louder the crash the better!! — driving trucks, throwing balls, shovelling snow, sliding down hills, bombing around the house on the skut bike, swinging sticks perilously close to other children’s eyes, discussing poo, making loud and meaningless sounds…

And of course, all these things are so much more fun if you do them…

…while wearing your tutu.

February 18, 2009 - Posted by | individuality, Mischief, the cuteness!, Timmy | , , ,


  1. i just love your kids! they are most gender comfortable people i have ever come across in web/real life..

    All children are, until they’re taught otherwise. If it doesn’t happen at home, it’ll happen at school, under the unforgiving tutelage of the other five-year-olds. *sigh*

    Comment by Suzi | February 18, 2009 | Reply

  2. “…..and I’m okay” Now I’m stuck with that in my head for the day!!
    We have a picture of my sun dressed as a tutu-wearing butterfly when he was two, complete with pink pearls. It’s one of my favourite pictures of him ever.

    What’s so endearing about pictures like that is the awareness that the child is being 100% true to himself, unaffected by external pressures… accompanied by the wistful awareness that such a state is so very fleeting. I’d treasure the picture, too.

    Comment by Tammy | February 18, 2009 | Reply

  3. Hahaha! My 3 yo son is the same way! His sister made him fairy wings and he was running around the house yelling (in his deeper-than-average voice), “I’M A FAIRY!”

    Bwahahahahaha… Oh, I love it. I can so imagine any of my little boys doing the same.

    Comment by Alison @ hairlinefracture | February 18, 2009 | Reply

  4. Oh, how cute!! Such a fun age!

    My almost-4-year-old son is pretty uninhibited this way lately, too. My husband gets a little distressed about the dressing up in princess dresses at his friend’s house, but I told him it was all in fun and nothing to worry about.

    It’s absolutely nothing to worry about. Little children dress up. It’s fun, and that is all it is. They don’t have any idea what it “means” in the adult sense. Do we honestly think there’s a correlation between wearing a tutu at the age of two and cross-dressing as an adult? (Not that there should be anything wrong with that, anyway, but I know how some dads can be…) If it doesn’t bother us when our daughters paint a moustache and beard on their face with chalk, why would it be any different for our sons? They’re just playing.

    Comment by rosie_kate | February 18, 2009 | Reply

  5. My blog was #1 for key words “boys wearing tutu’s” because I did a post about boys wearing tutus. I say as long as everyone is having a good time.

    Exactly. Timmy was having a GREAT time. (And did you notice how the tutu matched his fireman shirt? Couldn’t have planned it better!)

    Comment by Peter | February 18, 2009 | Reply

  6. Love it!

    Comment by Bethany | February 18, 2009 | Reply

  7. You have to be really desperate when you post boys wearing tutu’s just for the extra few hits you get.:-)

    Seriously though how do we (males) go from being so ungender defined to being so uptight about our gender that we won’t even wear pink lest someone think we have a gender issue. Hey Mary can you ask the little guy if I can borrow his Tutu for dress down Friday at work? 🙂

    If it doesn’t start at home, it starts in school. It’s one of the reasons I held off on putting my kids in school — I wanted them to have a good sense of who they were before they had to defend it against their peers, who, as we all know, can be brutal to peope who are “different”. As to borrowing the tutu? You’d be lucky if it would fit around one of your legs. Timmy’s a 3-year-old stringbean.

    Comment by billarends | February 18, 2009 | Reply

  8. I know a little boy who insists on always wearing one of his sister’s skirts over his trousers. He also has long blond curls. His parents let him do it and they’re right, of course – I wonder if he’ll give up the skirt or the trousers when summer arrives.

    Skirts are awfully practical in the summer! I know a 57-year-old man who wears a sarong (though only at home) on the hottest of summer days. Before his retirement, he was a sailor, and he bought himself a few while travelling in equatorial countries where they were normal attire for men, year-round.

    Comment by Z | February 18, 2009 | Reply

  9. That is FABULOUS.
    The now-6 (today!) year old I look after once dressed up as a princess and then later liked having his (quite short) hair in pigtails. I am really pleased that his parents never made it a big deal, and just go with the flow. I think that’s DEFINITELY the correct approach!

    The big fear is gender-identification, underlying that being the fear that if they dress like a girl, they’ll end up gay. Patently silly. If you can change orientation by the clothes you wear, how is that gay men wear pants, just like all the straight ones?

    The other concern is that the other kids might make fun of him. That one’s harder, for sure. You don’t want your kid trotting into the schoolyard with a giant “Kick Me” sign on his back, but at the same time, you also don’t want to teach your child that the other kids’ opinion should direct his choices. (“But mom! EVERYONE’S doing it!”)

    Comment by Blythe | February 18, 2009 | Reply

  10. Ohmahgawd love him!

    Pretty cute, huh?

    Comment by Merrilee Faber | February 18, 2009 | Reply

  11. My daughter was that way when she was young, before she entred the Age of Gender – she’d wear a tutu and a hard hat and tool belt, which I LOVED.

    I always hated to see the Confines of Gender envelop my kids. It’s such an impoverishment, that straightjacket of who can do what, what goes with what, who can say what.

    Which was why I was delighted when, in grade 11, my son took part in a group project in English class which had him wearing a dress and hose. He even shaved his legs, an endeavour which took close to an hour. He didn’t sneak the clothes into school and slip into them just before class, either. He wore them all damned day, just for effect. Great to see a kid that confident. I was so proud.

    Comment by kittenpie | February 21, 2009 | Reply

  12. nice shirt….

    Comment by Ariel West | October 12, 2009 | Reply

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