It’s Not All Mary Poppins

MY (sniffle) glass is (honk) half-full (gak), as usual, thanks

half-full-glass-waterI have a lovely pattern with the tots this term: two children on Mondays and Fridays, and six on Tuesday – Thursday. Of the six, two are in half-day kindergarten, so, apart from a 90-minute overlap, I only have five at a time.

I’m llllllllllloving these light Mondays and Fridays! I’m getting that weekend feeling on Thursday nights because, you know, with only two kids (a 17-mo and a 25-mo), you can do pretty much ANYTHING! Outings, city busses, shopping… it’s great.

And then it lasts right through till Tuesday morning! This is the lightest load I’ve had in … oh, probably a decade.

Which is a good thing. Because this is Wednesday morning. I have a Very Busy Day ahead of me, and I’m congested up to the eyeballs — I know I am because they are itching and watering. Oh, and my eye teeth ache. I didn’t sleep well last night, due to the mid-night snuffling and honk-fests. Oh, and that tickle in the throat that started about two and didn’t go away until 3:30. Aaaaand, because lord knows the itching and the snuffling and the coughing and the tossing and the turning WEREN’T ENOUGH, Aunt Flo decided to visit at about 3:45.


All that and six children, too.

BUT!!! It is WEDNESDAY! Which means that tomorrow is THURSDAY!! The last busy day! And the day after that? My virtual day off!

So (sniff), with that carrot (sneeze) at the end of the stick of today, I’m pretty sure (snort, honk) that today will be a (cough) breeze.

Yes. Yes it will. Hush now.

September 23, 2009 Posted by | health and safety, the dark side | , | 5 Comments