It’s Not All Mary Poppins

The tots ate my homework

Today we…

— went out for a short flounder in the snow. (Coats, hats, mittens, snowpants, scarves/neckwarmers, boots times four.)

— during which time the puppy had a pee. “YAY, Romeo!!!” (Toddlers being experts in Encouraging Housebreaking Potty-training. There may even have been some Potty Dancing around the puddle of steaming dampness.

— came back inside (De-coat, hat, mitten, scarf/neckwarmer, boots… times four.) Oh wait, five. I was wearing all that stuff, too.

— Oh, wait. Six coats, if you count the puppy.

— made some more foam mittens for our WINTER banner (pictures forthcoming)

— made some foam winter clothing cut-outs for Emily’s banner, which she will be taking home today

— cleared the table of 146 pounds of craft debris so that we could

— eat apples and peanut butter for snack.

— We read forty-three gazillion books

— made an attempt to sing our way through the Porcupine in a Pine Tree book. (“Attempt” because I have a touch of laryngitis, which manifests most obviously when I sing. The voice starts out okay… a bit thready, but okay, and steadily deteriorates.) By the ninth day, Tyler looked at me and said, MOST reproachfully,

“You are just PRETENDING to sing, Mary.”

My attempts to explain — with a voice that is pretty much business as usual for talking — that I wasn’t doing that on purpose were met with scathing skepticism.

We also…

— played with puzzles

— talked about shapes and colours

— did our weather calendar

— and our regular calendar

— and our charting (for vocabulary and reading)

We sang… well, they sang, and I sort of chanted… “Ring around a Rosie”…

— which led to a discussion of why Lily says “Ashes, Ashes” while the rest of us say “Hush-a, Hush-a”. (Touching on things like “folk song”, “very old”, “many variations”, she’s from West Virginia (er, far away from here, in a whole ‘nuther country!!))

…Twinkle, Twinkle; ABC; My Father is a Garbageman; I’m a Little Smelly Skunk… and a bunch of other songs.

— We had rice and beans for lunch. Emily LOVES rice and beans. “I will have FOUR helpings!” she declared as she raised her spoon. Everyone enjoys rice and beans, but no one loves them like Emily.

She managed three helpings before rolling away from the table…

We washed hands and faces, then cleared the table so that we could

— colour large paper pieces, cut into mitten shapes

— and then, while the other children were napping, Emily and I made some of these VERY cool snowflakes starbursts. (Can’t be snowflakes, you know, because our theme for the month is Winter (subset snow), and EVERYONE knows that snowflakes have SIX points, not eight. Emily was Very Clear on this point. “And six is two less than eight”, she declared, showing commendable subtraction skills, “so these are not snowflakes!”)

— Then, while Emily napped, I made a couple of quiches and a spicy carrot salad for dinner, and took the puppy out to pee.

— When Emily woke again, she and I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

— and did the dishes from cookies, quiche, and salad prep.

And now everyone else is starting to wake up. We will have fresh-baked oatmeal cookies and milk for snack.

And that? That is why I didn’t blog today.

January 6, 2011 - Posted by | crafts, daycare | , , , , ,


  1. Those “snowflakes” look so fun! We’ll have to try them. I’m wondering if they could be made in a 6-sided version? Maybe they would look too “thin”. Will have to play with that.

    Oh, and I sing “Ashes, ashes” too. But I’m from that other country as well.

    And you didn’t blog? Huh.

    I’ve had the same thought about the snowflakes. I just haven’t gotten around to playing with it just yet… I’m sure I’ll have LOTS of time for that… er… sometime… soon? (And yeah. Ironic, huh?)

    Comment by rosie_kate | January 6, 2011 | Reply

  2. Bless your sweet, kind heart. I know they love you for every minute of it…times 4. 🙂

    All but baby Lily, who seems to be hating the very sight of me these days. Not sure what’s up with that… 😦

    Comment by C. | January 6, 2011 | Reply

  3. Thanks so much for stopping by the blog! And duh! of course as long as they are squares, it didn’t even occur to me…which means I need to get my hands on origami paper and see what I can make.

    Origami paper! What a great idea. We also used squares of magazine pages, which were interesting, but a tad floppy. The smaller the squares, the fiddlier it is to attach the sections together. We couldn’t use a stapler at all — no way it would fit in the space.

    Comment by Not Just A Mommy! | January 6, 2011 | Reply

  4. ‘Cause I too am from a whole ‘nuther country, even further away, I sing ‘A-tisshoo, a-tisshoo, we all fall down’.

    I can see why you had no time or energy for blogging 🙂

    You know, I’d heard that variant before, but I forget who used it, and so, where they were from. It would be interesting to look it up.

    And no, no time for blogging! At all.

    Comment by Maisy | January 7, 2011 | Reply

  5. If I pretend to be two, can I be part of your day care? And what is your red rice and beans recipe. Yum.

    This was black beans, as it happened… but I didn’t defrost the black beans in time. (I cook them in largish batches in the slow cooker, then freeze them in the portions I use most often for recipes.) So I used a black bean recipe with chick peas (aka garbanzo beans) instead. It wouldn’t matter. Emily likes beans, any beans.

    Comment by Suzanne | January 7, 2011 | Reply

  6. I suspect I’m from the same far away country as Maisy because I sing a-tisshoo as well. I never even thought about the fact that there might be regional variations in these songs! And I wondered if your My Father is a Garbageman is a variant of our My Old Man’s a Dustman but I discovered they’re very different songs.

    Folk songs are interesting. You can find them in the most far-flung areas, but they do, over time, develop regional variations. Same way with folk tales. I’m sure there are cultural anthropologists who have made studies of it, but I don’t know any names.

    Never heard of My Old Man’s a Dustman, though it certainly sounds like the same thing! Either that, or a protest song. (I am reminded of a song I learned as a 12-year-old or so, found it in a book, “They are shifting daddy’s bones to build a sewer”. I liked it because I got to sing “SHITHOUSE!!”, and it was a bit crude. Wee, fun. 😀 )

    Comment by May | January 7, 2011 | Reply

  7. Yay Romeo! I imagine that the tots WOULD be great at celebrating a well executed pee!

    Comment by IfByYes | January 7, 2011 | Reply

  8. I would die if I had your job. DIE. (My daughter’s dayhome also goes outside in the snow sometimes… I have no idea how you guys do it with so many kids!)

    It’s do-able! You have to allow enough time, of course (20 – 25 minutes for five). You also encourage independence: the five-year-old dresses herself, of course, needing only help to get mittens through sleeves and zip up her coat; the three-year-old can get into his snowsuit, hat and boots solo, needing help only with zippers and to put his snowsuit pants outside his boots. As for the others? It’s an assembly line!

    Comment by Hi, I'm Natalie. | January 22, 2011 | Reply

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