It’s Not All Mary Poppins

Feeling hungry?

I’ve compiled the list of recipes, and, for a bunch of people who profess not to cook much, we haven’t done too badly…

K @ the Homestead hasn’t given us just one or two, but a whole mini recipe book of quick, easy, cheap and healthy meals.

Jessica provides a recipe for Frito Salad. (In my house, we’d call it a taco salad, and yummy no matter what it’s called!)

Bermuda Onion gives us Zucchini with Sea Shells.

Ever had Pasta with Trees (and cheese)? Check out Zayna’s Garden for full instructions.

Our sole male contributor gives us KD Casserole.

Mamadragon gives us two recipes: Fried rice, and Quesadillas.

A few others opted to leave recipe instructions in the comments of the Edible Meme post, so scan down through the comments to find:

Karin‘s recipe for mini pizza;
Marie’s for vegetable soup;
Dana’s “pickies lunch”;
Altissima guides us through stuffed baked potatoes;
and Tammy, instructs us in the art of making a “cheese sandwich”… without the sandwich part.

Thank you for your tasty contributions!

August 6, 2008 Posted by | food, memes and quizzes | , , | 7 Comments