It’s Not All Mary Poppins

Menu Monday

Vegetable: Cucumber-mint salad
Main: Southwest bean stew*, baking powder biscuits
Dessert: butterscotch-bran muffins

(Updated to add: Today is going to be a gross day out there — freezing rain, ice pellets, snow — so I think that we will spend a fair amount of time in the kitchen. They’ll help me make the muffins, OF COURSE! It is Muffin Monday, thanks to Hannah, but they’ll also help me make the salad and the biscuits. We love to cook! As we cook, we talk about the food — the colours, the scents, the textures. We maybe even have little nibbles, because, for some strange reason, a cucumber or a sprig of mint is more appealing when it’s mildly illicit…) Like so many other things in life, come to that… πŸ˜‰

Tuesday — Pancake Tuesday!:
Vegetable: French onion soup (with veggie stock instead of chicken because of the vegetarian toddler, of course!)
Main: Spiced lentils with rice
Dessert: Cranberry-studded dollar pancakes

Vegetable: Garden salad
Main: Salmon Cakes, Cheesy potato cakes, cooked carrots
Dessert: Bananas dipped in powdered walnuts

Vegetable: Carrot soup
Main: Rice and dahl, roasted root vegetables with choice of balsamic vinegar or horseradish dressing (or nothing on top, of course!)
Dessert: Muffins

Vegetable: Veggie Fritters
Main: Fusilli and finely diced veggies with tomato-bacon sauce**.
Dessert: Pineapple chunks

You’ll note that a the links are mostly to Chef Michael. Yup! They’re all from his cookbook, The Best of Chef At Home, which I own and love. However, I also loooove that website. Check out the recipe list. His stuff is generally simple to make, and always flavourful. So good!

*The link is to a beef stew, which is supremely good (if you take the time to brown the meat slowly!), but obviously I can’t serve beef to a crew including one vegetarian, so it’s now a bean stew (probably black bean and pinto, I’ll have to check the freezer). In this case, switching out to vegetarian is indeed a loss, but still quite yummy!

**In this case, I just made a small separate batch for the veggie tot’s pasta. Everyone else gets bacon. NOM.

February 11, 2013 - Posted by | food, health and safety | , ,


  1. It’s good to see that you take care over providing vegetarian food that actually matches what everyone else is having πŸ™‚ I’m intrigued – what makes something a dollar pancake?

    Vegetarian food that “matches”. You know, I never gave it a second thought, probably because I see vegetarian diets as equally valid to omnivore diets. I suspect that if you viewed vegetarianism as not quite ‘real’ eating, you mightn’t be able, or inclined, to provide equivalent meals.

    A dollar pancake refers to its size: it’s a teeny little pancake, about the size of an old silver dollar. (I’m not even sure those things are minted any more.) Heh. It just this second occurred to me: We now have dollar coins in Canada, the lovely loonie, so I guess it can refer to them! Dollar pancakes are two or three cm in diameter. Other than that, exactly the same as a standard pancake. πŸ™‚

    Comment by May | February 11, 2013 | Reply

  2. […] not, I thought, fill some of those hours with food preparation? I have a weekly menu. I know what’s on the list for that day and the next. This could be […]

    Pingback by Mini-Chefs « It’s Not All Mary Poppins | February 20, 2013 | Reply

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