It’s Not All Mary Poppins

Mary Wants… (annotated)

I’ve seen this meme here and there, and decided it was good for an “I don’t FEEL like posting” Friday. That’d be today. You Google your name plus “wants” and write down the first ten. Being the rebellious little rules-were-meant-to-be-broken woman I am, these are not my first ten. These are the ones I liked best. Here we go…

Mary wants…

…to know why she was sent there. (Don’t we all?)

…every woman to feel herself to be like a star!! (and every woman to know herself to spika the English.)

…Stefan to help her escape the living death she endures as Gahrtorie’s slave.

(My savvy 13-year-old daughter says, “Stefan to help her escape? Can’t she do it herself?”

HA! I have succeeded as a mother!

Can I quit now, and go to bed?



…two things at the same time: hunger and fulfilment. (Hand me that bag of Miss Vicki’s Salt and Vinegar potato chips, and we’ll kill both those birds with the one stone.)

…to play with me (This would be my job description, uh-huh.)

…to put him back in his box (I’m trying, I’m trying.)

…a teaching position (I have one. It’s what I do.)

…to go to Denmark and study journalism (I do? Why Denmark? Would I have to study in Danish? I am so screwed.)

…a career in business so she can make a lot of money (Oh, yeah! A lot of money! Ummm… Career in business? Oh. Never mind.)

…to buy some hair barrettes that cost $3 each (Nope. The Dollar Store, six for $1.50)

…to have him, be him, experience him (My Sweetie is a happy man. Wait. “BE” him? This woman is all about interdependent autonomy. Ick.)

…wants life to be easy and simple (Yes. Yes, I do. Is that too much to ask?)

…she wants to move on to her next romantic encounter (My Sweetie is a nervous man.)

© 2006, Mary P

July 21, 2006 Posted by | memes and quizzes | 11 Comments